The Swiss Army Knife of Health
Our whole world seems designed to keep us awake. Practically all American adults (at least 94%) use caffeine every day. Most of us also stare at screens long after the sun goes down, and brag about burning the midnight oil.
The Housing Crisis is a Health Crisis
In 1995, you could buy a typical home for around $165,000. That same house would now cost $714,000. In terms of mortgage payments, that represents a more than four-fold increase.
Size Matters: Funding Ventures in a Healthy Interest Rate Environment
VC funds are highly differentiated from each other with respect to stage, size, sector, geographic, and other elements of strategy.
The Promethean Crisis of AI
In Greek mythology, Prometheus was a Titan who wanted to uplift mankind and provide them with essential knowledge and gifts.
Timing the Market for Early vs. Late Stage Venture Investments
Economic cycles have a significant impact on the valuations of ventures, but early stage venture valuations are more stable than late stage venture valuations.