
Taylor Axtmann Taylor Axtmann

The Swiss Army Knife of Health

Our whole world seems designed to keep us awake. Practically all American adults (at least 94%) use caffeine every day. Most of us also stare at screens long after the sun goes down, and brag about burning the midnight oil. 

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Taylor Axtmann Taylor Axtmann

The Housing Crisis is a Health Crisis

In 1995, you could buy a typical home for around $165,000. That same house would now cost $714,000. In terms of mortgage payments, that represents a more than four-fold increase. 

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Taylor Axtmann Taylor Axtmann

Necessity Is the Mother of Invention

After graduating from high school in 2002, I spent two years living in Eastern Ukraine as a missionary. During my time there, I discovered that the ways Ukrainians did certain things were better than what I had known growing up.

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Taylor Axtmann Taylor Axtmann

The Promethean Crisis of AI

In Greek mythology, Prometheus was a Titan who wanted to uplift mankind and provide them with essential knowledge and gifts.

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Taylor Axtmann Taylor Axtmann

SpringTide’s “n of 1” Philosophy

The idea is counterintuitive; everyone knows that in order to produce illuminating, actionable results, researchers should assemble large, diverse pools of research subjects – the largest they can handle – and see what insights they can skim out of this “Big Data.”

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